Creating A Leak Testing Protocol For Your Medical Equipment

The medical field has come a long way, thanks to advancements in research and technology. A variety of devices are available for use in administering medications, collecting waste, and regulating bodily functions.

It is imperative that each of these devices be airtight to prevent potential contamination while in use. A medical leak testing protocol is a simple and effective way to ensure that each device you plan to use on your patients is safe and leak-free.

Determine Rigidity

One of the first steps you should take when designing a leak testing protocol for your medical facility is evaluate the rigidity of the devices that you will be testing. Some devices are rigid enough to maintain their shape without any assistance.

Other devices will have hoses or tubing that is flexible and will need to be restrained during testing. When you know the rigidity of your devices, you can utilize the testing method that is best suited to accommodate the materials you will be testing.

Determine Internal Volume

The type of testing that you utilize to check for leaks can vary based on the internal volume of the device you are evaluating. Some devices will have large internal cavities for housing liquids. These devices include IV bags and colostomy bags. Other devices will have a very small internal volume, like syringes or IV tubing.

Some testing methods, like mass flow tests, are equipped to fill large internal cavities with test liquids to ensure that they are free from leaks. Other testing methods must be customized to match the smaller internal cavities within your medical devices for accurate testing.

Determine End Use

The ways that your medical devices will be utilized in caring for patients should play a primary role in helping you establish a leak testing protocol. Some medical devices need to be tested for leaks only. Others will need to be tested for both leaks and flow rate to ensure that they function properly. Complex medical devices will often need to be tested for occlusions that could pose a risk to the overall health of the patient.

Determining which types of tests need to be administered to ensure the safety of your medical devices will allow you to create a leak testing protocol that addresses all your testing needs quickly and efficiently.

Leak testing should play a primary role in your medical practice. Implement a leak testing protocol to boost patient safety, and improve the quality of the services your practice can provide.
